Using your mobile phone in Turkey despite the device being locked. Where to go if it needs repairing.
Pamukkale: The UNESCO World Heritage Sites of the Ancient City of Hierapolis and Travertens are the places you have to visi before you die.
Hotels and accommodation in Pamukkale. Our authentic recommendations, reasonably priced and with charm in close proximity to the travertines.
10. Feb 24 -17. Feb 24 - Gentle thermals over Pamukkale & historical site Hierapolis. 985.- € p.p. 10 slots left
Our recommended accommodations in Ören, Milas. Cozy, authentic, 100 meters to the sea and the best value for money.
A fantastic new flying area: Paragliding above Anamur’s banana fields and many more. A fantastic new flying area is to be met with you. We marvelled at this gem with open mouths on our first visit and couldn’t believe that we could discover this forgotten paradise more or less on […]