SIV – Paragliding Safety / Performance Training in Turkey

What do you learn in a SIV / Paragliding safety training?

SIV-Training – a must for every Pilot

During a SIV-Training you will learn the most important key maneuvers. Goal is not to become an acro pilot, in a SIV-Training you will learn to master critical flying situations which can happen any time even during a normal  standard flight in turbulent air or after an unexpected collapse or in strong thermals. You will sharpen your senses to feel deformations of your glider before they happen, react accordingly and learn to avoid critical flying situations. If a collapse happens you will learn to  master this situation in that training which will enable you to keep your orientation and analyse your actual situation in the air. You will be equipped with the skills to bring you and your glider glider back into a controlled situation

Simply said: Keep orientation, keep control – stay alive!

How often should I do Paragliding Safety Training / SIV training?

SIV Training / Performance Training is a must do for every para-pilot. After a full SIV training with practical and theoretical elements it is highly recommended to repeat the critical maneuvers in a yearly routine. Latest as soon you are using a new glider. Mastering those flying situations is crucial for your safe flying career

Such training has to be carried out in special precautions in a safe environment. In general over Water, with enough altitude, automatic life jacket and a rescue boat waiting in position.

You might be able to practise some maneuvers on your own. But the training of more complex maneuvers is more efficient with trained and experienced safety trainers. They will gide you in a permanent radio connection.

Of course it is recommended to do your Safety / Performance Training in your mother tongue if you want to learn new maneuvers. 

But practising/repeating known manures under professional guidance in Turkey is a great option under English instruction. At the end every Training flight will make you a more safe pilot.  

Not every Glider reacts same – Learn more about your Glider in an SIV

Does every Glider react the same? – No!! – Even the same Glider reacts differently depending on the weight of the pilot or the used harness below. Different models can perform completely differently even if they are certified in the same safety class. Those differences can appear even in relatively simple maneuvers such as Big Ears or a B-Stall. One glider might be very forgiving and predictable and the other might have the tendency to fall into a critical situation.

So know YOUR glider in YOUR maneuvers carried out by YOURSELF is manantory.  

Is a SIV / Paragliding Safety training recommended for Beginners?

Safety training for beginners: Absolutely Yesss!!! Bringing your glider in a critical situation sounds dangerous to pilots in their early days of autonomous flying. Especially beginner pilots don’t want to see their glider in any other perspective, than symmetrically carrying straight above their heads. Even the consideration of a collapsed situation is a nightmare in that stage.

The truth is: The earlier you do your SIV training, the better! Of course – the earlier you are able to manage an unwanted situation the more safe you are as a pilot.
The earlier you learn to deal with critical situations the more confident you will be in the air. You will know you and your wing much better from the beginning, gain confidence and skills. This will benefit you so much more in every single of your flight and boost your learning curve in an incredible way. 

Our urgent recommendation: The earlier you do our SIV – the better for you!!! And of course – repeat it as often as possible and push your limits in a controlled environment. Last but not least, a regular opening and repacking your rescue device is a must. And every pilot should open it in the air in an not emergency situation at least once before you need it in real life

In some countries an SIV is even mandatory in order to get your pilot license.  

SIV  –  Paragliding Safety / Performance training in Ölüdeniz, Turkey. 

The bay of Ölydeniz has perfect conditions for a SIV / paragliding safety training

A height difference of 1935m and a working altitude of more than 1000 m once you have reached the training area above sea guarantee a best possible working environment for your individual radio guided training. 

The view is just breathtaking which boosts your experience and in case of a water landing the meditaranian sea is a really convenient alternative to central european lakes ;-).

SIV-Training is performed by licences SIV instructors only, trained and licenced by the Turkish Aviation Authorities, based on the Training guidelines by the FIA under English spoken radio assistance.

Automatic Life Jacket will be provided and a rescue boat is on position in case you will have to carry out a water landing or open your rescue device.

SIV – Paragliding Safety / Performance training package

Best season for SIV Training in Ölüdeniz is Spring or Autumn. Participating pilots are responsible to use well maintained and checked gear. 

3 days training with 3-5 flights including, detailed theoretical preparation of the maneuvers, radio assisted training over water, car transfer to the starting place. 

Waterproof radio and automatic life jacket will be provided.

Total costs: 300.- EUR per Person

Not included: 

Video Recording of your Training 

Rescue Boat

Cartridge for Life Jacket in case of water landing

Other packages, i.e. 5 days packages are available on request. Just  get in touch with us for further information.