Experience Paragliding as Passenger – a lifetime experience

Put your Dream of Flying into Reality

Paragliding is flying – in a very pure version

Safely stated in your harness you will live the pure experience of flying after just a few powerful steps. As soon you are in the air, the tension converts into pure exaltation.

The unique experience, flying like a bird without a fuselage, directly in the air under a flexible wing, which makes you experience the thermals and the air as a surrounding medium.

Passagier Gleitschirmflug über Kayseri

The Colors of Turkey – a mind changing experience

Turquoise Blue Sea, sunset in red and black graffiti rocks – the colors of Turkey. From the bird’s eye view, those colors are even more intense.

Turkey with its fantastic landscape, sea, lakes, impressive mountains and sharp valleys 

offers wide views and a breathtaking surrounding for your Experience in the air.

Passenger Flights on highest Safety Standards

Turkish Tandem Pilots are educated in one of the highest training standards. They are trained in a most intense performance and safety training with one of the highest entry and qualification requirements on the Globe. Be sure you are in the best hands to experience you escape into the 3rd dimension. 

Give an Ultimate lifetime Experience 

A Tandem Flight, Paragliding as Passenger – Giving away the ultimate experience of freedom.

Giving an unforgettable experience to your beloved one or even better – sharing that moment with your beloved one – your better half, your friend or any other to you special person. You will both share that unforgettable moment flying together on two gliders. A common experience which will you melt together.