"There is one more thing" - becomes reality here. You quickly realize that there is an incredible amount to discover here. A real "rabbit hole" in which you can drift with pleasure.
The sky is getting colourful. For the first time in its history, a paragliding festival is organized in the Akpınar neighbourhood of Erdemli district. This peaceful and quiet village is located one hour -60 km- from Mersin centre. Akpınar residents and the festival organizers are getting ready to host hundreds […]
If you wish to spend your holiday in a quiet, peaceful, and not crowded environment, Ören is the place to be. The village has its rhythm given by the operation in the small fishing port. The small yacht harbour
Hello from Türkiye! Yes, Turkey’s official name is not called Turkey anymore. It is Türkiye. By the Turkish government, it is requested to be used in all paperwork between Türkiye and anywhere abroad. Especially in all official documents. The reason for this, is that the thousands of years of experience […]